House plants do a lot for a home–not only do they liven up a space but they have pretty incredible air-purifying qualities as well. However, while they’re gorgeous, if you have pets it’s important to pick pet-safe house plants as many of them are pretty poisonous to our favorite furry companions.
For example, plants like the ZZ, Rubber Tree, and even some varieties of Philodendron are poisonous to dogs and cats. In order to keep your pets safe while making your home a house plant jungle, consider these pet-safe plant varieties below.
Pet Safe House Plants For Cats and Dogs
Ferns: One of the most dramatic house plants out there, ferns are non toxic to both cats and dogs. However, ferns can be tricky to care for and often require an abundant amount of humidity. Learn how to supplement humidity here.
Orchids: Orchids are lovely because under the right circumstances, they will continue to bloom year after year–but that’s not the best part! In fact, the best part is that these gorgeous house plants are actually totally safe for plants. Plant in an orchid potting mix that includes bark and volcanic stone for beautiful orchids all year long.

Bromelaids: Bromelaids are super dramatic with their red leaves–but believe it or not, they’re totally non-toxic to our pets! What’s better is that these plants are capable of growing in conditions without soil–a perfect solution for house plant owners whose pets love to dig in potting soil (I’m one of those owners!)
Prayer Plant: Known for it’s dramatic leaves with stripes of bright green, the prayer plant grows well in low-light rooms as it naturally grows on the forest floor. This is also another non toxic plant, so you don’t have to worry about leaving it on the floor around your plants.

Christmas Cactus: Believe it or not, Poinsettia plants are SUPER toxic to both humans and animals. Swap out the poinsettia plant this year for the non-toxic Christmas Cactus instead this holiday season for some pet-safe color that you’ll love.
Hawthoria: Sadly, the common aloe vera is poisionous for pets. However, the Hawthoria succulent looks similar to the aloe and is surprisingly non-toxic. Plant your hawthoria in well-draining potting soil and place in an area of full sun for the best growth.