Just as soon as my boyfriend and I incorporated houseplants into our bedroom several years ago, we can tell you that we have noticed a huge difference. Something about plants in our bedroom really helps us sleep better. And we aren’t alone, there are several studies touting the wonders of plants in the bedroom. Check out my favorite bedroom plants for better sleep below.
Rubber Plant: Favorite Bedroom Plants
Also known as a Ficus elastica, the Rubber plant boasts big shiny leaves that are well, used to make rubber. They come in pretty ruby red colorings and even variegated varieties. They grow quickly, and they’re actually great for sleep! Its leaves filter toxins like formaldehyde and others from the air.

Snake Plant: Favorite Bedroom Plants
The snake plant is great for a bedroom because it tolerates (and even thrives) in extremely low levels of light. While many other plants release carbon dioxide at night, the Snake Plant continues to produce levels of pure oxygen all day long. You’ll notice the difference when you’re sleeping. Seriously.
Pothos Plant: Favorite Bedroom Plants
The pothos plant is one of the easiest houseplants for beginners because it thrives in poor conditions. Keep in an area of your bedroom that gets bright light during the day and water when soil is dry. The pothos plant is incredibly low maintenance and will grow miles and miles of long vines if left to do its thing.
Other Ideas
Some other ideas include a Peace Lily (with the right light it will produce gorgeous blooms!). A Chinese evergreen (these beauties are known for their unique patterns. They LOVE humidity, though!) and even ferns. Though like the evergreens, ferns love humidity, so a good humidifier might be a sound investment. You can even try lavender as a bedroom plant!