I love making my home feel a little bit more tropical with a gorgeous houseplant or two. Not only do I love to grow the tropical dwarf cavendish banana indoors, but I also have a decent-sized Monstera deliciosa plant as well! Though it puts out a showing of lush, green leaves with intricate patterns and cut-outs, it’s relatively easy to care for. Keep reading for more about Monstera plant care for beginners. This is such an easy plant to grow, you’ll want one in every room.

Monstera Plant Care 101
It’s important to note that these plants can be bought at any size, but they grow large. Fast. It’s best as a floor plant. Pick a sunny location away from the scorching rays of your sun. A wall opposite a southern-facing window would be a prime spot for your monstera. Also, note that the light levels will determine how fast the plant produces new leaves. If you aren’t noticing new leaves (and lots of them) move the plant to a sunnier location.
Believe it or not, Monstera plants require little water. They like to dry out completely before watering and then like to be watered fully. I water my Monstera when the leaves begin to droop and look limp, around every 10 days. Always stick your finger into the soil to determine if the plant should be watered, as soggy soil will cause root rot. Plant in a wide, shallow pot that has a drainage hole.
The plant likes a little humidity and appreciates being grouped with other plants (this increases humidity levels). Additionally, you can mist the plant in the morning every few days to improve humidity.
Make sure that you fertilize once monthly during the growing season. Since the plant produces such large leaves, you’ll find that they get dusty every once in a while. Simply wipe the leaves down with a moist rag if you struggle with the problem. The plant will appreciate the added humidity.