It can be tricky to garden when you live in an apartment or simply don’t have the yard space. But if you love gardening, it can be tricky to give up your past time. I recommend trying container gardening if you are short on space! Believe it or not, you can grow almost anything in the right container, including fruits and veggies! And if you’re tired of spending tons of money on store-bought blueberries, why not just grow them yourself? This is how to grow blueberries in containers.

Growing Blueberries In Containers
To start growing blueberries in containers, you’ll need a variety of blueberry bush that stays small. I recommend growing the Northern Low Bush Top Hat Variety as well as the Southern Highbrush Sunshine Blue variety in containers. They stay small and won’t take over your patio!
Though possible, it’s usually difficult to get a fruit harvest soon when planting the bush from seed. Because of this, I recommend getting a mature plant from a local nursery. Once purchased, transplant your plant into a large container. The size of the container should be about five gallons wide.
Blueberries love acidic soil, so when repotting, make sure their soil is acidic enough with yearly PH tests.

Watering Blueberry Bushes
Blueberry bushes like to be kept moist, so make sure that you are continuing to water them, especially if a heatwave sets in. This guide will help you water your plants correctly.
Keep your blueberry plant in an area of full sun. Blueberry plants can be grown indoors and will produce fruit (when planted in pairs!!) because they are self pollinators…they do well in front of southern windows. However, keep in mind that while they like full sun, they can be scorched by intense rays. Make adjustments with your blueberry plant if need be.
Fertilize plants once yearly, in the Spring. Additionally, I recommend changing out the potting soil every Spring too. After repotting, follow with a dosage of fertilizer and a PH soil test. With this guide, you’ll have blueberries for years to come.