If you’ve always wanted to care for houseplants of your own, but aren’t exactly sure where to start, this houseplant care guide will help. I’ll cover everything you need to know about caring for houseplants as a beginner and I’ll even share my most coveted tricks and secrets. Find your houseplant care guide below!

Watering Houseplants
Watering houseplants are often the trickiest part of houseplant care. Too much water can cause your plant to die of root rot and too little will stunt growth. The watering needs for houseplants vary from plant to plant, but a good rule of thumb is to water when the first two inches of soil feels dry. I usually stick my finger in the soil to test. Additionally, succulents and cacti will need to be watered MUCH less frequently than flowering plants. This post of mine will help you learn how to best water your houseplants.
Sun for Houseplants
The sun needs of your houseplants will also vary depending on the variety of plant that it is. After you purchase your plant, I recommend doing a quick google search to see what light levels your plant likes best. Plants such as the Prayer Plant, Pothos, and Peace Lily all like dark corners. Plants like the Fiddle Leaf Fig LOVES the full sun. If you find that your plant is not producing new leaves, it could be a sign that it needs more sunlight. If your leaves are browning rapidly, this could be a sign of sunburn and your plant should be moved somewhere darker.

Repotting Houseplants
One of the most important parts of this houseplant care guide is learning how to repot your plants. At some point, all plants will outgrow their current pots and will need to be placed in something a little roomier. To tell if your plant needs a repot, lift it out of the pot to see. If the leaves are “circling” around the drainage hole, it’s time for something new. While repotting, you can also divide your houseplants for newer offsets. Pretty cool, huh?
Fertilizing Houseplants
It’s a good idea to regularly fertilize your houseplants in order to keep them in tip-top shape. Typically, I fertilize my houseplants once yearly, in the Spring, right before they begin growing for the season. Be sparing when you apply the fertilizer, as too much can burn the leaves. I find that little fertilizer is best. I like blends rich in potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen.

Houseplant Pest Control Guide
Houseplant pests are the WORST. They can spread quickly and wipe out an entire collection if you aren’t careful, too. Commonly, things like scale, mealybugs, and spidermites are the pests that often plague houseplants. Fortunately, natural remedies like insecticidal soap, Neem Oil, and Diatomaceous Earth will get rid of just about any pest out there. They’re all really safe to use around plants and pets, too. Check out my full tutorial on the matter here.
Other Houseplant Care Guide Ideas
You might be interested in learning to propagate your houseplants or create entirely new plants from stems or cuttings. It’s really easy to do, you just need a plant cutting and some water. Learn more here.
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