Fall is one of my favorite seasons of the year. And I know that I’m not alone. The crisp chill to the air is simply magical! And I am a firm believer in bringing that house plant color inside. These house plants are great for Fall color and they stay looking beautiful all year long. Add these house plants for fall color to your place today for some serious beauty.
Houseplants for fall color:
The Croton is one of my very favorite house plants for Fall color, simply because it is absolutely stunning. Its leaves are big and bright, often displaying deep orange, red, and yellow colors, depending on the variety. Keep your croton in a sunny window (mine sits near my Eastern facing window) and water deeply when the soil feels dry. This tropical plant loves humidity, too.
Though they won’t bear any fruit, Bromeliad plants are a distant relative of the pineapple. The Bromeliad plant comes in orange, red, and a variety of deep colors. All of these colors are absolutely perfect for the fall. These plants will also purify the air. Bromeliads are tolerant of low sunlight and they like consistently moist soil. Make sure the roots aren’t soggy to prevent rot.
Aluminum Plant
I have one of these growing in my living room, and it’s one of my favorite tropical plants. Though it isn’t colorful like the croton and bromeliad, the Aluminum Plant has patches of silvery streaks that are perfect for Halloween. This looks like something out of a witch’s lair. This plant should receive a few hours of indirect sunlight every day, but is tolerant of lower light levels. Keep the soil levels moist, but not soggy. Water when the top few inches of soil feel dry. This plant will become leggy, so prune it once yearly by literally cutting it in half.
A natural air purifier, the antrhurium flower is perfect for any home. It can flower in red, orange, white, and yellow. And the petals are incredibly glossy. To care for these pretty plants, place them in a bright window. Water the plant regularly, and deeply. About once a week should do. Always water on the same day. Fertilize your plant every six months to promote regular blooming. This is the perfect houseplant for indoor fall color.
Snake Plant
Not bright and orange, the snake plant provides the perfect backdrop of green for the brighter foliage in your group. It requires low light, little water, and honestly is tolerant of neglect. My Snake Plant receives only three hours of indirect light every day, and I water it only once every threeish weeks. It’s grown INCHES in the last few months. It’s astounding.
This article was originally published in Sept 2019 but was updated by our experts for accuracy in September 2020.