Houseplants are a blast to care for! Not only are they scientifically shown to improve your mood, but they’re great for ambiance, too. However, for some people, the thought of caring for a houseplant seems intimidating! Watering schedules can be tricky to figure out, after all. But if you love plants, you don’t need to worry. Just try growing one of my favorite low maintenance house plants below. And guess what? All of these plants only need to be watered once a month.
ZZ Plant
I love the elegant, spa-like look of the ZZ Plant. With thick stems and large glossy leaves, this plant has no trouble becoming an easy favorite. This plant also loves dark corners of the room and will turn yellow if in areas of too much sunshine. This plant thrives when neglected, and shouldn’t be watered more than twice monthly. One of my favorite low maintenance house plants. Learn more about the ZZ Plant here.

Aloe Vera
This classic houseplant has a variety of medicinal purposes and is even shown by NASA to filter the air from harmful toxins. Aloe, like the ZZ plant, tolerates areas of low light exceptionally well and can even do well in brighter areas, too. Because the Aloe stores water in its leaves, it doesn’t need frequent watering. Water this plant once a month during the winter months, and twice monthly (or when the leaves feel soft) during the growing season.
Ponytail Palm
Despite its tropical looks, the ponytail palm loves to be neglected and will rot quickly if you water too frequently. Additionally, the palm loves bright sunlight. Water once a month during the growing season and even less frequently during the winter months. One of the easiest to care for low maintenance house plants!

Lucky Bamboo
Another super easy to care for houseplant, the lucky bamboo isn’t actually bamboo at all, but we aren’t worried about it. Place in an area of your home that gets plenty of indirect light. Additionally, fill the bottom of the container with pebbles and place your bamboo inside of them. Keep the water level as high as the pebble line. You should only have to water around once a month.
Fairy Castle Cactus
I have one of these in my own home and I am in love with it. Though it needs plenty of sunshine (and preferably, a southern facing window) it needs to be watered incredibly rarely. Once a month is often too excessive, water only when the soil is positively bone dry.