It’s that time of year again…Christmas Cacti can be found in bloom in just about any grocery store or nursery. And it’s the absolute best. The Christmas cactus is one of my very favorite plants so I look forward to the few months out of the year when I can enjoy the gorgeous stacked blooms. However, Christmas cactuses are known to wilt every now and again and it can really ruin the look you are going for. Here are a few easy ways to fix a wilting cactus.

Christmas Cactus Flower Wilt
Christmas cactus flower wilt can be caused by incorrect watering. In other words, the soil is too dry! Unlike their desert counterparts, the Christmas Cactus hails from tropical Brazil. It likes consistently moist soil during the blooming period (keep the first few inches of soil dry during the other times of year) and damp air. Take care that the soil is never soggy (this will cause deadly root rot) nor bone dry. Watering is a tricky balance with these!
Too Much Sunlight
If you have corrected the watering as mentioned above, but still notice that your Christmas Cactus looks weak, wilted, or limp, it could be a sign of too much sunlight. Move the cactus back to an area that receives a steady stream of indirect sunlight all day long. The cactus plant should not need much more of that because this variety is native to the forest floor. Isn’t it wild how different these are than their desert counterparts?

Christmas Cactus Care Tips
To prevent a wilting Christmas cactus in the future, I recommend following a strict care schedule for your plant. As I continue to mention above, the needs of a Christmas cactus are much different than those of a desert cactus. Read my Christmas cactus care guide here.