It can be hard to know what kinds of fertilizer your houseplants should be getting. There are tons of different fertilizers to choose from and depending on the needs of your plant, it can be tricky to find the right one. But did you know that you can make your own DIY houseplant fertilizer? It’s true, a few items found in your pantry or fridge commonly give your houseplants all they need to stay healthy all year long. Learn how to make your own with my guide below.

DIY Houseplant Fertilizer
Here’s what you’ll need to make your own
-Eggshells (save the next dozen you have, this is often enough)
-Banana peels (1-2 is all you need)
-Water (Aquarium water is best, if you have it, if not, I used distilled water or rainwater)
Step One
If your plant growth appears to be stunted, or if the edges of your leaves are curling in, this might be a sign of a calcium deficiency. To remedy, simply pulverize your eggshells in a blender and steep them in boiled water over night.

Step Two
Yellowing plant leaves can be a sign of a nitrogen or potassium deficiency. To remedy, puree the banana peels with your eggshell water until everything is nice and smooth. Now, mix the eggshells and bananas together with a gallon of freshwater (or aquarium water) and go feed your plants!
DIY Houseplant Fertilizer Tips
Houseplants should only be fertilized twice a year. And more than that and you run the risk of burning the leaves of your plant. I like to water in the Spring (right before the Summer growth push) and then again in August to prepare plants for the winter to come.
Additionally, it’s always a good idea to dilute your fertilizer with plenty of fresh water. Too much fertilizer to too little fresh water ratio can also damage your plant. It’s a fine balance!