Houseplant Care Guide

Philodendron White Knight Plant Care Guide

Plant Care Guide: Philodendron White Knight

One of the hottest houseplants of 2024, the Philodendron White Knight is one of the most dramatic houseplants on the market today thanks to it’s vibrant variegated leaves and bright, colorful stem. If you’re new to the Philodendron White Knight plants, here’s everything you need to know about the White Knight care so that you plant looks beautiful for years to come.

White Knight Philodendron Care

How Much Sun Does A White Knight Need?

Believe it or not, the White Knight Philodendron actually doesn’t require much direct sunlight. 3-4 hours of indirect sunlight, with an hour of direct will be plenty for this plant to thrive. Avoid too much direct sunlight, or you’ll scorch the sensitive leaves.

How Should You Water A White Knight?

Water when the first 2-3 inches of soil are dry. Water thoroughly, and never leave this plant sitting in standing water, as like most philodendrons, it is extremely sensitive to root rot.

Do White Knights Like Humidity?

They like it humid–at least 65 percent. Boost humidity with a pebble tray or a humidifier.

When Should I Fertilize A White Knight?

This plant shoudn’t be fertilized in the winter months. But as soon as the spring growing season sets in, I like to fertilizer my plant 2x a month.

How Long Does it Take A White Knight to Mature?

The White Knight is a slow grower. In optimal conditions, expect it to put out a leaf a month. It should mature within 2-4 years.

What Are Common White Knight Problems?

. One of the most common issues is over watering. if your leaves are yellow, you have likely overwatered. If things are crispy, underwatering is the culprit.

Philodendron White Wizard vs White Knight

One of the most-commonly asked questions I recieve is what the differenve is between a philodendron white wizard and a philodendron white knight. While the both share a variegated patter, the White Knight is commonly identified by it’s burgundy stem. Additionally, the White Knight leaves are more elongated than those of the white wizard (which are more heart-shaped and oval).

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