There’s a MAJOR drought happening in my home state, and it’s been HOT for weeks–my plants are seriously struggling! While I’m doing my best to care for the ones I already do have, the drought issue got me thinking about investing in more drought-tolerant houseplants.
Not only are drought tolerant houseplants perfect for hot summer months but they’re also great for those of you who tend to neglect their plants (we’ve all been there!). Here are a few of my very favorite drought-tolerant houseplants.
Aloe Vera
This is one of my FAVORITE drought tolerant houseplants, purely because there are so many different uses for it. Not only can you use aloe vera to soothe a sunburn, but aloes are actually proven to have air-purifying qualities as well. Aloe vera plants love sunny windows and can even tolerate direct sun, though you might need to move it if you notice the leaves getting wrinkly. Water every 10 days, though if you notice the aloe isn’t developing a good root system, you need to water more frequently.

I love to grow pothos purely for its innate ability to thrive in just about every grow environment. While the pothos does NOT like a sunny window, it’s incredibly drought tolerant and can go for 10+ days without a good watering. The best part of this drought-tolerant house plant is that it grows WELL despite little watering–in fact, it seems to do better with little watering in my own home!

Burros Tail
Burros tail is probably one of the most renowned drought-tolerant house plants. This succulent stores its water in its fat shiny leaves so it can survive for extended periods of time without much water. This plant loves the sun and grows best in a hanging basket next to an East-facing window. Water when the soil is COMPLETELY dried out. Which is about 10 days in between waterings for me.

ZZ Plant
I have a ZZ Plant next to my bed and it’s one of my favorite plants. It only gets about 4 hours of sunlight every day, and I water it once a month. It’s probably the lowest maintenance plant that I have. And despite the crazy heat happening in my neck of the woods, I’ve only watered my plant twice this summer. It’s the ultimate drought-resistant house plant.