Houseplant Care Guide

How to care for a Pink Princess Philodendron

One of the most exotic philodendrons, learn how to care for the unique pink princess philodendron with these tips and tricks.

The pink princess philodendron is one of the most popular plants at my local nursery. Just last weekend, they had a line on twenty before opening and everyone was in search of the Pink Princess Philodendron!

While the pink princess philodendron is one of the most gorgeous philodendron varieties (in my opinion, anyway) care of this exotic house plant can be tricky. To learn how to best care for a pink princess philodendron in any environment, check out my care tips and tricks below.

Pink Princess Philodendron Care Tips: Sunshine

As with most houseplants, without adequate sunshine, your pink princess is sure to get sick. For best growth, tuck your plant in a spot that receives 1-2 hours of direct sunlight in the morning and then indirect light for the remainder of the day. I find an East-facing window to be best for this variety of philodendrons. Plus, the morning sun will provide tons of light without the heat of the afternoon that can sometimes scorch the leaves.

If your leaves are too green, this is the result of not having enough sunlight. Move your plant to a sunnier area. If you notice your leaves beginning to get yellow or crispy, this is a sign of too much light and you should move the plant back.

Soil and water needs for the Pink Princess Philodendron

Only water your plant when the first few inches of your soil have completely dried out. Stick your finger in to test–if it feels try up to your first knuckle, it’s time to give the plant some water! Though you might be tempted to keep the soil moist, this is actually the perfect growing environment for fungus gnats. Dry soil out to prevent them from forming!

Water and lighting conditions are super important, but so is soil nutrition! Plant your Pink Princess in a mix of perlite or a peat-perlite, sphagnum moss mix.

Temperature and humidity needs

Native to tropical locations, the Pink Princess Philodendron will need year-round temps between 68-75 degrees. Fortunately, most households provide these growing conditions with ease. However, make sure you keep your plant away from any hot or cold drafts in the winter (such as a heating vent or a cold window) to prevent any leaf loss during the colder months.

Unfortunately, average household humidity usually isn’t enough for these plants. Supplement it by running a humidifier, or if you don’t have one of those, carry the plant in with you when you shower. Additionally, you can use a pebble tray to supplement humidity!


Feed your plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer every four weeks during the growing season (April-October in the Northern hemisphere).

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