I’ve recently become absolutely OBSESSED with begonias. I saw a gorgeous photo of a cane begonia on Reddit and I’ve been determined to grow something similar ever since. But, as I’ve learned growing begonias can be tough! Especially for beginners. Fortunately, I know a thing or two. Use these tips to learn about growing begonias for beginners.

Begonia care tips
Currently, I am the proud mother of five begonias (pictured below!). I have three rexes, a polka dot maculata (middle), and a benigo (the biggest!). Though my collection isn’t super extensive quite yet, it’s been a blast to watch these grow and develop. I’ve been astounded at how fast the benigo and the polka dot have grown–I bought them in January and February of this year and both plants put out at LEAST two new leaves a week! It’s wild! Despite their quick growing speed, learning how to care for these puppies has been tricky. Below are my ultimate care tips and tricks.

Most begonias like bright, indirect sunlight. Keep them directly out of the sun or scorching can be an issue. I’ve also noticed that all of my begonias really like my grow light–the rexes especially! Since I moved my begonia rexes under the grow light, the color patterns on my leaves have gotten much more intense! Mine is under the light for at least eight hours every day. If a grow light is not available to you, I recommend keeping your begonias near an east-facing window–but do not sit on the windowsill–it might get too hot.
Begonias are divas as far as watering is concerned. Keep soil moist and water when the first inch of soil becomes dry. Though you should never water your plants on a schedule (read this to find out why!) I end up watering all of my begonias at least twice weekly.

Humidity is another key aspect in begonia care. If you notice that the edges of your begonia are curling or crisping, a lack of adequate humidity is likely to blame. A humidifier is a great solution to up the humidity levels in your home. However, if this isn’t an option for you, using a pebble tray can be a great alternative. Just make sure that you keep the roots dry!
I feed all of my begonias liquid fertilizer from Happy Happy Houseplant once a month. I highly recommend it!