I love cut flowers. But for years I struggled with keeping them looking great for longer than a week. They just always started to droop and crumble at around day six! Fortunately, I found an awesome hack that will keep cut flowers fresher longer. You probably already have this secret ingredient at home, and I guarantee it will change your gardening game. Here’s how to keep cut flowers fresh for longer!
Just Add Bleach
I’m serious…bleach is really all you need to keep your cut flowers fresh! Add a 1/4 teaspoon of bleach for every quart of water in your vase. Add a pinch of sugar to balance out the chemicals and give your flowers something to thrive on. Really!
If You Don’t Have Bleach…
If you don’t have bleach to keep your cut flowers fresh. I recommend using dropping a copper penny (and a spoonful of water) into the vase with your flowers. I’ve also tried it with a few teaspoons of Z-Up and I’ve found that it’s kept my flowers just as fresh. It’s amazing what a little sugar will do to keep your plants looking healthier for longer periods of time.

Though I haven’t tried it on my own flower bouquets, I’ve heard that spritzing your flowers with a bit of hairspray helps preserve them for longer periods of time. Be sparing of course, because just as too much hairspray ruins your hair-do, it can ruin your flowers, too.
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