While totally gorgeous, the Fiddle Leaf Fig is one of the most finicky houseplants known to mankind. It has specific watering requirements, loves humidity, and despises drafts! However, despite it’s tricky-to-master growing preferences, it is possible to grow a Fiddle Leaf Fig in any climate. Keep reading below for fiddle leaf fig care tips and tricks.
Fiddle Leaf Fig Sun Needs
One of the biggest factors in a healthy Fiddle Leaf Fig is plenty of sunlight. It’s best if you place your tree in a southern window. Here, it will receive the right amount of sunlight all day long. Seriously. Fiddle Leaf Figs won’t even thrive if they are sitting across the room from the nearest window. They need to be in the prime spot. All day long. If you can’t provide this kind of light naturally, it might be best to invest in a sun lamp to provide additional light.
I lost my first fiddle because it didn’t have enough sunlight, and I vow that I won’t let other plant moms make the same mistake.

Watering Needs
How to water correctly is another must-know fiddle leaf fig care tip. If you are watering more than once a week, or if you have brown spots on the edges of your leaves, you might be overwatering.
Despite their lush foliage, Fiddle Leaf Figs don’t need much water. Check the soil with a Moisture Meter every few days, and water when the soil has dried out at the bottom of the plant. As always, make sure that you water the plant so water drains throughout the bottom of the pot. Use this guide for more information on watering your houseplants.
Potential Problems With Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees
Root Rot: As I mentioned above, root rot is a common killer of fiddles. If your plant is suffering from root rot, the leaves on your trees will remain a dark green color with brown spots that spread. Root rot will eventually causer the plant to lose leaves.

Another problem commonly occurring in fiddles is bacterial leaf spot. Though the symptoms often mimic root rot, bacterial leaf spot will cause plants that turn yellow with browning leaves. Though bacterial leaf spot feeds on new leaves rather than old ones. The solution for each is to control your watering habits and repotting the tree into fresh soil.
Other Tips and Tricks
These plants LOVE warm, humid conditions. Keep your tree away from any vents or drafty areas and keep it near a humidifier or mist the leaves every couple of days.
Cut your leaves back at the end of each growing season to promote future growth. Keep an eye out for a future post from me on that. Or here is a good link.
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