Gardening Indoors

How To Grow Strawberries Indoors

It's easy to learn how to grow strawberries indoors, you just need the right kind of soil and plenty of sunlight. Keep reading as I share my secrets!

One of my favorite parts of summer is indulging in all of the berries. I love them so much that I wanted to learn how to grow strawberries indoors. And guess what? You can learn how to grow strawberries indoors too! Take a loot at the tutorial below and let me know if you have any questions.

It's easy to learn how to grow strawberries indoors, you just need the right kind of soil and plenty of sunlight. Keep reading as I share my secrets!

First, Pick A Spot

Strawberries take up a whole lot of room, not going to lie. Before you begin your growing adventure, make sure that you have enough room inside to support a strawberry growing operation. Remember that you CAN hang strawberries and they make lovely hanging bushes. Strawberry plants need at least six hours of sunlight per day, so make sure they are by a window that can provide that. I have mine tucked in my south-facing window.

Get A Container

Now that you’ve located your spot for growth, you will need a pot with ample drainage (pick up a dish to catch the water if need be!) and soil that has PH levels between 5.6-6.3. The PH levels are crucial. Make sure that your soil is at this PH or your strawberry plant will not be successful.

Trim the roots before planting indoors and let it soak in water for a few hours before transplanting. Plant the strawberry plants so that the base is at least 4-5 inches below the surface.

Tips and Tricks When Growing Strawberries Indoors

I like to pinch off the first set of blossoms for the first six weeks after planting indoors. Cutting off the blossoms will keep the plant producing and you will have more fruit for a longer season. Pretty cool right?

What About Pollination?

Strawberry plants have both male and female ends on their plants, so they will do the pollinating on their own, without bees. However, if you notice your tree isn’t producing fruit as quickly as you would like, try pollinating yourself with a paint brush. Just dot each blossom with the brush.

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